The Application of Mathematical Modelling to Optimize Steel Reinforcement Shipping Cost for Construction Projects by Julius Berger

K. M. Oba *

Department of Civil Engineering, Rivers State University, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The problem of transporting steel reinforcement for construction purposes has always been eminent in construction projects. In this study, the transportation model was applied while shipping steel reinforcement from three supply locations to three construction sites owned by Julius Berger construction limited, in the city of Port Harcourt. The study was done for 100-ton truck load of steel reinforcement bars with standard 12m lengths and diameters 8mm to 40mm. This was from the three selected steel depots in Port Harcourt. The costs of transporting the steel reinforcement bars were analyzed using the basic steps of simplex algorithm for solving transportation problems. The initial and optimum feasible solutions were obtained. The Stepping Stone method was used for the optimum solution after three consecutive iterations, which amounted to $3,813 or (₦2,897,880 as of March 2023). The result was compared with that obtained from Microsoft Excel solver. There was no difference between the two results.

Keywords: Julius berger, optimization of shipping cost, reinforcement cost, transportation model

How to Cite

Oba, K. M. (2024). The Application of Mathematical Modelling to Optimize Steel Reinforcement Shipping Cost for Construction Projects by Julius Berger. Journal of Engineering Research and Reports, 26(3), 190–196.


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