Assessing the Efficacy of Homoeopathic Medicine Gibberellic Acid 3X in Enhancing Yield Production in Neelam Mango Trees: A Comparative Pilot Study

Siddesha G. *

Department of Psychiatry, MNR Homoeopathic Medical College, Sangareddy, Hyderabad-502294, India.

Justina M. Steefan

Department of Psychiatry, MNR Homoeopathic Medical College, Sangareddy, Hyderabad-502294, India.

Gone Maniprasad

MNR Homoeopathic Medical College, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Aims: Assess the influence of Gibberellic Acid 3X on yield production: Measure the effect of Gibberellic Acid 3X treatment on increasing the overall yield of Neelam mangoes, including the number of fruits, fruit weight, and fruit size, compared to the control group.

Study Design: A Comparative Pilot Study.

Place and Duration of Study: MNR Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital premises with good sunlight and ventilation, Sangareddy, between February 2023 to August 2023.

Methodology: The total sample size was taken as 6 Branches of 2 Trees. Three branches of a tree were divided into 3 groups. This is to ensure that the flowers of the mango tree will be receiving the same amount of water, nutrients, and sunlight. Gibberellic acid 3x was prepared according to rules and regulations of Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India (HPI). Foliar application of medicine was done after the flowering of plant. The fruits are taken for analysis once they have matured.

Results: The "Gibberellic Acid 3X - Alcoholic potency" group had the highest mean weight (563.94 grams) and circumference (18.106 cm), followed by the "Gibberellic Acid 3X - Water potency" group with slightly lower values (556.67 grams for weight and 17.771 cm for circumference). Additionally, the "Gibberellic Acid 3X - Alcoholic potency" group had the longest mean length (18.833 cm), followed by the "Gibberellic Acid 3X - Water potency" group (17.646 cm). Overall, the "Gibberellic Acid 3X - Alcoholic potency" group displayed the highest measurements in weight, circumference, and length among the three groups.

Conclusion: In conclusion, this study provides evidence of the potential of homoeopathic medicine, specifically Gibberellic Acid 3X, as an effective alternative for addressing enhancing yield production in Neelam mango trees when applied via foliar spray method on flowers. It opens doors to exploring more sustainable and eco-friendly approaches to mango cultivation and warrants further investigation and application in agricultural practices.

Keywords: Agrohomoeopathy, gibberellic acid 3x, neelam mango, foliar spray

How to Cite

Siddesha G., Steefan , J. M., & Maniprasad , G. (2023). Assessing the Efficacy of Homoeopathic Medicine Gibberellic Acid 3X in Enhancing Yield Production in Neelam Mango Trees: A Comparative Pilot Study . Asian Journal of Research in Agriculture and Forestry, 9(4), 250–258.


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